Saddle 168


Tree: Harris
Seat Style: Equitation
Seat Size: 15 1/2″
Tooling: Tiny Rose
Seat: Black Embossed Suede
Stirrups: Half Black Ostrich – Half Black Wood
Rear Rigging Dees: Surry
Exotic Leather: Black Ostrich

A unique and eye-catching style centered around genuine black ostrich and natural hand tooled leathers, paired with the perfect amount of sterling silver accents.  The black ostrich leather covers the topskirts of the saddle and  provides a stunning backdrop for the raised platform cornerplates and other silver accents.  Other unique details incorporated into this design are the black ostrich leather on the stirrups, and covering the swell of the saddle.  If you have questions regarding saddle 168, please contact (336)874-2100 or (336)874-2194.

Every new saddle purchase comes with a padded saddle case with anti-tarnish liner, as well as a cinch strap, and girth.  We will contact you, once your order is received, to discuss these options with you.



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